Darkhearts is Moving Server

Darkhearts is Moving Server

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All our latest updates have been around our growth, and here is another gone: a big (the biggest one).

We are migrating Darkheart’s Playground’s infrastructure!

This is both exciting, and scary! Because ‘better the devil you know…’. But the ‘not-so-much-devil’ we know wasn’t not fully aligned with the, durable, long term, direction we want to do to take.

As DarkheartsOS LLC., we will be moving to a new data centre on a LTO (LeaseToOwn) modality, which shows the long term investment we want to make in our grid infrastructure. This will mean the new server will be leased for a period of time, and then integrated into DarkheartsOS LLC. asset ownership, giving us the flexibility to upgrade them as we see fit.

With the move, we expect to see an improvement on security, as well as the speed of the base network. 

Having said that, we are moving to an untested environment, so there may be some teething issues!

When will this happen?

Move will start on Monday 17th of June, and be fully migrated on Wednesday 19th of June.

More granular, ad-hoc, announcements and updates will be communicated via our Discord Server. If something is not working, please check announcement first – and open a ticket via the support channel on the same discord.

Week of the 10th of JuneNew server set up and environment securing
Monday, 17th JuneAssets move to new servers I
Tuesday 18th JuneAssets move to new servers II
Wednesday 19th JuneMigration Day – Hold on tight!

We ask you for your empathy as we perform this huge move, and suggest that you plan around these dates for any events